Friday, December 7, 2007

I need sleep. For the past three weeks someone has been throwing up, coughing, needing medicine or having to go outside in the middle of the night. Last night everyone, including me, finally made it through the night only to be awakened at 5:00am (!!!) by the most horrendous music on the radio. Ugh. DH had the alarm set to some Mexican radio station in hopes that it would jolt him out of bed. He slept right through it. The dogs didn't. They know when the alarm goes off, it's time for breakfast. Pavlov sucks.

So when you're sleep deprived you start to think weird thoughts. A few nights ago, as I slept soundly, I woke up to a soft "whoof....whoof". I opened one eye, and this is what I saw:

(Well, not exactly this, because although scrappers always have their cameras at the ready, it was 3:00am, so just pretend the background is dark, etc.). I fell back asleep for what felt like a minute, but could've been an hour. Then came the "whoof" again, only not as softly. I opened the other eye, and saw this!! Wait...weren't you just white? Wha....

I swear I thought the dogs were playing tricks on me. I had to open both eyes to scan the room, and make sure they weren't giggling at me. I imagined Holden and Winston plotting to confuse me. "I'll sit by the bed and bark, and when she opens that one eye, I'll look at her all innocent-like, and then we'll trade places and she'll think I changed colors. Bwahahaha!!" Like I said...sleep deprivation. Weird thoughts. DH thought it was humorous. I bet he's in on it.


In other news: I finally finished the gifts I was working on:

This came as plain chipboard and I painted and papered and stamped and glued for days. So fun!!! Gotta run-will post more pics later! :)

1 comment:

Dettao said...

Those silly dogs! BTW, I feel honored that I am a blog that you love!