Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Here is that journaling I was talking about, along with the layout I did.
Journaling reads:

Sadie, they say that dogs don’t lie-that they are not capable of deception or jealousy and that we mustn’t attribute human traits to our dogs. But I’ve seen you, little one!! I watch you as you come up to Winston acting for all the world as if you want to play with that little stubby tail wagging furiously until he takes you up on your invitation only to have you turn on him at the last second.

You’re like the big sister who lures her suspicious little brother into a game, only to tease him mercilessly and giggle with malicious delight when he walks away with his tail tucked and his ears drooped. Look at you! You look so sweet and innocent. I’ve seen you bat your eyes…literally, as if to say “Aren’t I a good girl?” but from one female to another, I know what that look really means…
Oh, but you are a cutie…a cuddly, licky little ball of energy. You make me laugh, and that’s a quality, indeed. You are like a mischievous toddler, ringing the bell to go outside repeatedly only to bark incessantly and interrupt what I’m doing to go outside and make you come back in. And if you can’t entice the others to follow you out, you scratch at the door frantically to be let back in only to turn around and ring the bell again five minutes later


Dettao said...

Love the title of your blog. It fits you to a "T." I also love the Sadie layout. I think it is my favorite of all the ones I've seen you do. It is simple and linear and packs a punch. Good job. Welcome to blogging, dear!

Miffy said...

Yay!!! Love this...when I saw that I had a comment, it made so happy.
Glad you liked the Sadie LO...I'm happy with it. ;)