Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Like a donut...??

I guess this is what he meant? Mr. B and I are watching the Big Cats Diaries and we see a beautiful baby cheetah. B says "Ohmigosh-he is so cute I just want to hug him and then dunk him in coffee!!!" I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face.

The stuff this kid comes up's so weird. And funny. :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Quick update...praise doG, it wasn't the cancer! It was a very large, very heavy marble and, after having it surgically removed, he is on the mend. Where he got it, I have no idea...must've been one of the neighbor's kids who accidentally threw it in the backyard, or it rolled back there, or something. Expensive marble. It is now mounted and sitting on DH's desk. Maybe he figures it'll inspire him to work that much harder so we can replenish the savings ;).

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My big beautiful boy is sick :(

He started throwing up on Thursday, and by the afternoon he was dehydrated and required an overnight stay for IV fluids, pain meds and antibiotics. One of the possible causes is pancreatitis, but we can't rule out that perhaps the cancer is back. If you pray, say a little extra one for Holden please. He still won't eat and threw up again today. He is in danger of becoming dehydrated again, so we'll be at the vet first thing tomorrow, if not at the emergency hospital tonight. Let's hope he rests comforatably tonight, and doesn't throw up any more.

I'm keeping a close eye on him, but he doesn't want anything to do with me since I've been shoving pills down his throat. Poor baby. C'mon, Hodie-just ROAR!!! (love this pic-caught him barking.)