Thursday, January 31, 2008

I made a Valentine's day banner. I'm thinking it still needs a swirl stamp here or there. (This is the BK {before kelpie} pic-she managed to rip it aaargh!) What do you think? I'll try to take a better pic when I fix it. If anyone's out there, leave me a comment...they make me happy. ;)

My latest pug page:

On the top right hand of the pic is a label. I'm still trying to think of what to put on it-any suggestions? I love this blog, but try as I might, my layouts are just not anywhere near as cute and I know it's not for lack of an adorable subject. ;)

I also added the "Stop Puppy Mills" banner that is on Martha's blog (Mugsy Boo). Thanks, Martha!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

OMG-just read this on Smultringunn's blog, and had to share while I remembered. This is the life of a dog-owner in a nutshell. I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. If you don't get it, it's cuz you don't have a dog. :)

I figured out the link thingy! Yay, me!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Trying to figure out how to add the thingy that lets you comment...thanks, Detta, didn't realize it wasn't working. Yay, now it is!!!! Don't know why it still won't do it on the other posts.

I wish I had taken pics of the calendar I made for my mom. It turned out really well, and made her cry...(that's actually a good thing). Unlike most of my other scrappy things, I kept it really simple. Yesterday I decided to make a page with one of the same pics I used in her calendar...same title and everything, but try as I might I just couldn't quit messing with it. Thought I'd keep it simple...hah! Here are my latest three:
This one shows the everyday silliness...LOL! Have to switch out the big pictre with a new one 'cuz I scratched it.

A few more the pic of Winnie with his head stuck in the box. What a goober.

that's Mom behind Lance there...try to take a pic, and all you get is ham!

The look on Mr. B's face here cracks me up (the pic on the left)...he looks like he's saying "take the picture already!!!"

This is one of the pics I used in my mom's calendar. Not real happy with the letters-they look so flat, but I'm trying to use up my huge stash of alpha letters.

Off to play with my paper some more...hope you have a great weekend! :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I found this blog last night and stayed up way too late playing with all the links. Love this post...says exactly what I've got bouncing in my head right now. (At some point I will remember how to make a link into a word, but for now, this'll have to do.) Love Ballard Designs, too. ( Been a fan forever, save all the catalogs and actually have a few pieces from them. Yay, me. :) Love these tables: A friend and I were discussing whether or not our personalities matched our signs...I'm an aquarius, and one of the personality traits listed is eccentricity. I don't think I'm eccentric. She disagreed, because I have a thing for tables. A fetish, like with patterned paper. :) Sigh...I really miss her. She was so much fun to talk to. We don't talk much anymore :(

So this link thing is making it hard to read my blog probably. I apologize to all 2 people who read it. I will stop linking things until I figure out the word-thingy.

So, here's part of my rain and liverwurst: my steam cleaner died. A month ago. (UGH!) Good thing I bought that extra repair warranty, right? They fixed it in about a week. So worth it, I thought.

Brought it home and revved it up only to have black oily-type stuff spewing from it-all over my
beige (well, mud and koolaid-colored used to be beige) carpet. This was Dec. 20th. Lance took it back, and the repair place put a priority tag on it. (Funny how much a piece of paper can change things, huh?) Well, it must have fallen off, because the promise date was Dec. 26th. We're still waiting for backordered parts. Whatever...

I tried explaining to Bubba over at the repair place that I have 4 dogs, 2 kids and a husband that dribbles coffee everywhere. (I never make any messes. ). Can you believe he doesn't care? Well, of course not. He doesn't have a 90lb. Lab with separation anxiety that pees in his house when he leaves. And if he did, I doubt he'd stress about it.

This makes me the laughing stock of the neighborhoood as far as my choice of career. (Okay, career may be too strong a word.) As a dog trainer I should be able to potty train a Lab, right? It's just not that simple. His medical and separation anxiety issues make it very difficult. (Can't crate him-he hurts himself trying to get out. The thyroid contributes to his excessive urination as does the fact that he is prone to crystals in his bladder.) I NEEEEEED my steam cleaner!!!! Why couldn't I have chosen a smaller dog with these issues? Noooo-gotta be one that makes a lake everytime he pees. Next time, I'm getting a pug. :)

On a happier note, I'm finishing up a layout that completely contradicts my state of mind right now. I guess yesterday was a good day. :) Will post soon.